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máj. 22., Szo


World Pre-eclampsia Day: act early! screen early!

May is pre-eclampsia awareness month and May 22nd is World Pre-eclampsia Day. Please join us to raise awareness for this severe pregnancy condition and support EFCNI’s campaign “act early! screen early!” Thank you.

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World Pre-eclampsia Day: act early! screen early!
World Pre-eclampsia Day: act early! screen early!

Time & Location

2021. máj. 22. 17:00

About the event

Pre-eclampsia is a life-threatening disorder, usually in the second half of some pregnancies, and can lead to serious complications for the baby and the mother if it is not monitored and treated. The earlier pre-eclampsia is diagnosed and monitored the better the outlook for both the mother and the baby. During the routine pregnancy checks, pre-eclampsia can easily be diagnosed, however, it can only be cured by delivering the baby. New onset of hypertension and/or proteinuria are the first clinical signs and symptoms; additional symptoms are abdominal pain, haemorrhage, placental abruption or severe HELLP-syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets).

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